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Legal notice

DAK-Gesundheit (Supplementary health insurance fund)

As a statutory health insurance provider, DAK-Gesundheit is a public corporation.

Postal address

DAK-Gesundheit Zentrale
Nagelsweg 27 - 31
20097 Hamburg
Telephone: 040 23648550 

Do you have a customer or service enquiry? Please use our Contact form to get in touch with us.

This is the fastest way for us to process your enquiry.

This is where you can send us your letters (German).

Executive Board
Andreas Storm, Chairman of the Executive Board
Thomas Bodmer, Member of the Executive Board

Administrative Board
Dieter Schröder, Chairman
Horst Zöller, Vice Chairman

Supervisory Body
Federal Agency for Social Security (Bundesamt für Soziale Sicherung)
Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 38
53113 Bonn

Company registration number
486 988 90

VAT ID number



Strategic Marketing Department

Person responsible

The address listed above also applies for the responsible persons below.

Falk Oelschläger (Head of Strategic Marketing)


Responsible for editing
Britta Cassone


All of the website contents are protected by copyright. Downloading and storing content or images from the website on a computer or screen is not permitted unless this is expressly indicated. The reproduction and permanent storage of content must be approved by DAK-Gesundheit.

Hosting and implementation

BITMARCK Technik GmbH, Hamburg

Zu den Bildnachweisen

Conditions of use

The use of this website is subject to the general conditions of use listed below. Please read them through carefully before using the website. By using this website, you are agreeing to these conditions of use.

Please note:

  • DAK-Gesundheit may update or modify these conditions of use at any time. They are always binding in the currently valid version.
  • If there are special rules that apply to the particular offerings of this website, these rules take priority over the existing general conditions of use.
  • If you transmit or make available personal data when using this website, you consent to such content being processed in accordance with the rules of DAK-Gesundheit’s online data protection principles. For more information about this, please read our privacy policy (German).

If you do not accept these general conditions of use or the special conditions of use for particular offerings, we ask that you leave this website.

Protection of copyright

All the contents of this website are protected by copyright. Downloading and storing – even temporarily – individual contents or images from this website on a computer, screen or any other medium is not permitted unless this is expressly indicated. The contents should not be changed in any way and should not be used in other electronic or printed publications without the written consent of the respective copyright owner. The same applies for the reproduction, permanent storage and sending of content taken from the DAK-Gesundheit website. This also requires the consent of DAK-Gesundheit.

Failure to comply with these regulations obliges the immediate destruction of all printed and/or downloaded content. DAK-Gesundheit reserves the right to enforce any other claims, particularly claims for compensation. Trademarks and business names are used on the website. The corresponding safeguarding provisions apply to these, even if there is no special marking on the page.

Responsibility for contents and information

As the service provider, in accordance with Section 7, Para. 1 of the TMG [German Teleservices Act], DAK-Gesundheit is responsible for its own content and information that it makes available for use in accordance with general laws.
A distinction must be made between this content and links to content made available by other providers. The provider that has prepared the respective content is solely responsible for this third-party content, unless DAK-Gesundheit has positive awareness of the respective content (i.e. also of the illegality or criminal liability) and it is technically possible and reasonable for DAK-Gesundheit to stop this from being used.

Links are always “living” (dynamic) referrals. DAK-Gesundheit checked the third-party content for violations of civil or criminal law before the initial linking, but cannot constantly check this content for changes. If DAK-Gesundheit discovers or is informed by someone that linked content may infringe civil or criminal law, they will immediately remove the link to this content provided that it is technically possible and reasonable for them to do so. The technical possibility and reasonableness is not influenced by the fact that the illegal or punishable content may be accessed from other servers even after the connection between this content and the DAK-Gesundheit website has been removed.

Liability / Warranty disclaimer

The information provided has been put together with the greatest care. DAK-Gesundheit endeavours to make sure that the content on this website is up-to-date, complete and accurate. All content was checked when it was added to the website and has been and will be carefully checked at irregular intervals afterwards. However, as all information is subject to rapid change, the contents may not necessarily always be absolutely up-to-date, accurate and complete.

DAK-Gesundheit cannot be held liable for the completeness or accuracy of the information provided on or made accessible through this website and as such does not assume any liability for this. This also applies for their suitability for certain purposes or freedom from third-party rights and non-infringement of intellectual property.
DAK-Gesundheit does not assume any liability for the contents of the pages of third-party providers.

Other provisions

By making content available on this website, or by calling it up, DAK-Gesundheit does not have a contractual relationship with the user unless expressly stated otherwise. This website is not a substitute for advice on premiums, benefits or other social security-related matters. In case of any doubt, visit a DAK-Gesundheit service centre for a personal consultation.
The law of the Federal Republic of Germany applies to the use of this website and the general conditions of use.
The exclusive place of jurisdiction for all disputes resulting from or relating to these general conditions of use is, insofar as this is permitted by law, Hamburg, the city in which the DAK-Gesundheit’s headquarters are located.

DAK-Gesundheit is not responsible for the suitability or permissibility of the use or the access to the contents of this website outside of the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG). Access from outside of the Federal Republic of Germany is done at the user’s own discretion and risk. The user is responsible for adhering to the law applicable outside of the FRG.

Tectalk - Technical Information

In some places we use forms of technology which may require browser extensions, known as plug-ins. These are provided free of charge by various different providers:


In some places, this site uses JavaScript (Version 1.2). It allows us to enhance the functionality of the website in these places. We recommend using either Externer LinkInternet Explorer or Externer LinkMozilla Firefox to visit our site. Please make sure that you also have JavaScript activated.

PDF documents

In some places we used the PDF format from Externer LinkAdobe. To view these documents you need to have Adobe Reader or the Acrobat plug-in installed on your device.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact our webmaster.
Updated on:
+49 40 325 325 536

Mon-Thu 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. and Fri 8 a.m. -1 p.m.