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Image: Young man with tablet is happy and laughing.

Safe and sound: your DAK-Gesundheit health insurance

We are the health insurance company you can rely on to provide reliable, friendly and efficient cover. From family insurance to dentures, you can benefit from the breadth and expertise of our excellent service. Find out what makes DAK-Gesundheit different from other health insurance providers and discover tips to help you get started in Germany.

Become a member

Join online: Complete the online form in just five minutes to become a DAK member.

Digital and on the go: Manage your health insurance with using the DAK app, available in German or English.

Available in a range of languages: We are happy to assist you in several languages.

Great benefits and services at a fair price: Ideal for you and your family.

Find doctors: Use our Doctor Finder tool to find the right doctor who speaks your language.

Available 24/7: We’re there for you when you need us, whether it’s via our hotline, chat or face-to-face.

Hassle-free doctor visits: Payment is made via your electronic medical data card without any extra charge.

Service nationwide: Health insurance provider with around 5 Mio members and 500 service facilities.

Health insurance in Germany

Picture: Colleagues in the office talking to each other and having fun.

Discover DAK-Gesundheit

We are the top health insurer for your every need. We were established in Breslau 250 years ago. With over five million members, we are Germany’s oldest and third-largest health insurance provider. We are at your side, providing reliable, friendly assistance, along with a range of additional services. Take a look for yourself.

Become a member
Image: Woman checking benfits of DAK on her smart phone while commuting in train.

DAK contributions for employees

How much you have to contribute towards your health insurance depends on your income. The DAK contribution rate is 17.4%. You and your employer each pay half, so you only pay 8.7% of your salary. Only salaries up to 5,512.50 EUR per month are taken into account.​

More about your contributions

Useful information to help you get started in Germany

Portrait of woman with laptop computer reading book while sitting on floor in library.

For students in Germany

Learn about the most important aspects when you come to Germany as a student. And discover the special benefits DAK-Gesundheit offers you.

Find out more
Picture: Two young women are delighted to receive a 25 euro bonus.

Recommend DAK-Gesundheit

We are pleased to hear that you are enjoying our services. Feel free to recommend us to your colleagues. As a thank you, you will receive €30 for each successful referral.

Contact us
Mitglied werden: Junger Mann liegt entspannt mit kleinem Hund auf einer Wiese.

Become a member now!

Simply complete the online form – no signature required. We’ll take care of the rest. You can also take out free insurance for your family in Germany. You can find more information in the application form or feel free to get in touch.

Go to the online application
+49 7731 79938 9430

Mon-Thu 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. and Fri 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.