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Simple, digital health insurance – become a member now in just 5 minutes

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Join more than 5 million policyholders today

New in Germany and looking for the right health insurance? You’ve found it. DAK offers excellent benefits and services. Everything is uncomplicated and tailored to you and your family.

You can handle almost all matters digitally via the DAK app, or in person at one of our numerous service centres. Take advantage of services that go beyond the statutory standards. For example, subsidies are available for professional dental cleaning or for alternative treatments such as osteopathy. We also pay towards your sports equipment through our bonus programme. Our optional tariffs save you a lot of money. And travel vaccination is actually free with us.

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The best insurance for abroad. As a DAK member, you can go to the doctor like you normally would in most European countries. All you usually need for this is your DAK health card. And in other countries – for example outside Europe – the premium supplementary travel insurance from our partner HanseMerkur can help.


Our family insurance also provides optimum cover for your family.


Are you active? Then secure a grant of up to 500 euros for fitness trackers, running shoes and other sports equipment with our fantastic DAK AktivBonus programme.

Switch simply to DAK


1. Fill in the online application form.

2. We cancel your current health insurance.

3. We welcome you to DAK-Gesundheit.

Deal with your concerns quickly and digitally

Bild: Eine Frau bedient an einem Handy die DAK App.

Determined from 1.540.758 feedbacks on the DAK website

No paperwork

Use the DAK app! It doesn’t just save time.

DAK Pflege-App: Enkel sitzt mit Großvater auf einer Parkbank und zeigt lachend auf das Smartphone

Our promise:
we’ll always be there for you!


Enjoy excellent insurance with us

+49 7731 79938 9430

Mon-Thu 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. and Fri 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.